About Mimi
For me, yoga is a metaphor for life. It reminds me to be mentally alert, physically aligned and open to receiving the grace of being alive, in my heart. I am passionate about how the practice of yoga has transformed my life – spiritually, physically, emotionally and intellectually. It has given me new eyes to see the world around me, within me and in others.
I came to the yoga mat as a martial artist in the late 1990’s. I was seeking an ancient art that taught discipline and strength; a path that had a code of ethics and conduct but was imbued with a deep spirituality. Yoga appeared. It has fed me, sustained me, strengthened me, enveloped me, weakened me, taught me, exalted me and healed me. Practice requires strength, discipline, commitment, self-acceptance and a willingness to let go and be present. I have been teaching since 2006.
As a Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapeutic practitioner, I have been witness to profound possibilities that lie within human beings to heal. I feel an immense amount of gratitude for the gift of this work.
The clear light of yoga shines through all of the teachings I have received from many extraordinary teachers. My desire is to be of service to others as a reflection of the teachers from whom I have learned.
“Yoga is one of the most extraordinary spiritual sciences that mankind has ever discovered. It is like a gem of great proportions, containing many facets whose light can illumine the whole of our lives with great meaning.” (from Yoga and Ayurveda by David Frawley)